There are currently 271 species, representing 247 facilities in 55 countries, entered in the Census.
We need your data, and a tutorial is available for helping you to complete the Census.
The Chondro Census facilitates two points of action in support of the SAFE conservation program plan for sharks and rays.
Maintain population data for populations of animals in professional, human care
We are requesting collection data from facilities world-wide – accreditation from the Association of Zoos & Aquariums is not required. Research facilities that hold temporary collections are also invited to submit data. Please enter your data annually, or when your census updates or changes, assign a Chondro Census Team Coordinator (TC) and mark your calendars to update the census regularly. Be sure to have the TC duties transferred when/if employees shift roles.
Collect lab data from populations of animals managed in human care
A database of lab test results will provide much-needed insight into animal health. Participants will be able to submit blood test results from the animals in their care to this web site. References for expected lab values will be made available. We are excited to share that the first publication utilizing Chondro Census data is in prep by a multi-disciplinary team, was presented at the 2023 American Elasmobranch Society meeting.
We need your help! Not only to enter your data, but to help us collect census data globally!
- The Chondro Census is seeking Regional Coordinators (RC’s) in Africa, the Americas, and Asia
- Responsibilities:
- Be point of contact for stakeholders in your assigned Region for navigating and updating the ChondroCensus
- Collaborate with other Regional Coordinators
- Keep ChondroCensus Leader(s) informed of challenges/successes
- Expand ChondroCensus participation within your Region, as able
- Time commitment:
- Typically 2-4 hrs per month
- Flexible and dependent upon number of requests that may come your way and your drive/time to seek new ChondroCensus stakeholders
- Responsibilities:
Should you have any questions or need any assistance, please email chondrocensus@gmail.com