AZA is committed to advocating and supporting the goals of science-based shark and ray conservation. We recognize that fisheries, and specifically overfishing of many shark and ray species, is currently the major factor in the decline of populations. We will use our influence to ensure that US policymakers:
Protect all threatened shark and ray species
through rigorous application of the Endangered Species Act – providing adequate resources and powers to the federal agencies charged with administration of the act.
Ensure science-based sustainable management
of commercial shark and ray species through the application of the Magnuson–Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act.
Remove exceptions
in the application of the Shark Conservation Act. Ensure that all shark and ray species are treated equally and landed with Fins Naturally Attached.
Adopt a strong global leadership position
in the application of science-based management and fisheries best practice to address the key issue of overfishing in shark and ray conservation.
The SAFE Shark & Ray Policy Working Group is composed of experts from within AZA institutions and from external NGO partners.
The group will provide regular policy bulletins, provide relevant content for public engagement via the communication group and engage institutional support for key policy actions.
Year of the Shark – Policy Blog February 2023
SAFE partners, Shark Trust, have launched the Big Shark Pledge, an international campaign to bring together a community of support for high seas sharks. By signing the pledge, supporters will add their voice to the call for better management of Oceanic Sharks. And they will receive policy updates and opportunities to influence policymakers at key decision points.
Your institution can become a partner by signing the pledge and using your influence to engage your visitors and social media followers to join the community.
Aquariums and Zoos engaging our visitors in conservation action to save sharks is a critical piece for saving species. Download the partner pack for more information and access to downloadable resources to enable you to join the Big Shark Pledge.
Check out this latest video with tips on how you can get your visitors, both in-person and online, involved in this important effort!