Collective Action for Sharks and Rays
Our vision: By 2035, we have built diverse partnerships to deliver effective action for the conservation and recovery of sharks and rays.
Beautiful, diverse, intriguing, mysterious, and powerful. Sharks, skates, and rays form one of the most fascinating and charismatic groups of marine wildlife. Globally, there are over 1200 species reflecting a huge diversity in biology, behavior and habitat. Sharks face challenges common to all wildlife, and it is estimated that 1/3 of species are threatened with extinction. The overwhelming conservation threat arises from destructive fishing practices. Inadequate governance and ineffective fisheries management is enabling the depletion of populations across the world’s ocean.
Expanding audiences and representation; developing targeted tools and messages; promoting collective conservation action; sharing of best practices to increase communication; coexisting with sharks to minimize human/wildlife conflict
Our conservation plan focuses on:
Working globally with partners to advocate for policy and management processes; expanding and aligning our international partners to leverage influence and impact; aligning partners to impact global shark trade and communicate demand; coordinating global efforts on international fisheries policy
Understanding the science and strategies for breeding, reproduction and reintroduction; defining conservation and recovery for elasmobranchs; coordinating and collaborating with AZA shark conservation programs to identify species and maximize resources
Advancing elasmobranch science, health, care and husbandry; expanding networks beyond AZA and SAFE partners; creating a structure for monitoring research priorities; increasing data sharing for greater impact
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